
Golspie Free Church of Scotland January – June 2019

‘In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.’


The attendance figures for morning services at GFC ranged from a low of 25 to a max of 37 (January’s avg was 29.5 while May’s avg was 34, an increase of 4.5)

The evening average was 18 people and the midweek average was around 12.

There are also 8 members that can’t currently attend Sunday services but who belong GFC family.

The Cafe Church which is currently being held in place of some of our evening services has an average of 47 in attendance, (with a high of 63.) At the most recent meeting which was taken by Dan Paterson, there were 57 in attendance. Our Cafe Church has been attended by those from the village and as far away as Inverness, Marybank, Evanton, etc

We believe this is an excellent way to encourage the community to worship with us and give thanks to the Lord for his goodness.

As previously reported we have had up to 85 in attendance at our Songs of Praise services.

The Youth Fellowship – averaging 18 and with a max of 26 – continues to progress with a number of young people attending the Free Church Junior Football Camp this summer.

In connection with this, GFC was asked to be a ‘Camp Sponsor’. They happily embraced this task and raised £375 towards the camp’s activities.

This was achieved by our involvement in a local community event (Golspie Regatta).

As ever, we are mindful of the need for continual prayerful support for the camp and all its activities.


GFC has continued to meet all their financial commitments and responsibilities towards Church requirements.

With the accounts for 2018 approved and forwarded to OSCR, the ‘gross ordinary income’ for 2017 was £44,940

This is an increase of 22% over the previous year’s giving.

We are very grateful to God for this and also to all who support the work of GFC in this way.


It is our aim to continue with our Cafe Church, Songs of Praise services, Christianity Explored and other various projects that are in the pipeline and yet to be formalised.

To help foster friendly relationships within the church family, GFC has organised an informal congregational meal at a local restaurant. The first occasion attracted 21 people which was a great response. On repeating this initiative 29 people attended.

This has proved to be a positive initiative and greatly appreciated and enjoyed by all who were able to take part.

GFC continues to develop the use of modern technology in their Sunday services.

New equipment – professional projector, speakers, computer and software, etc – was funded by GFC members to assist with this and has been well received by the congregation and youth fellowship.

Installation work still has to be completed before it is fully functional but trial events have already shown its effectiveness and versatility. This is a work in progress and on completion will be a tremendous asset which will be used to its fullest.

The GFC Web site and Facebook page continue to advertise events and share news about the church’s work.

It has been noted that there is an increased number of people being reached through this form of media.

GFC appreciate those who follow or have recommended the pages to others.

Special thanks go to the minister in Wales who recommended two of his congregation to visit us while on their holiday in the Golspie area.

We have also enjoyed fellowship with holidaymakers who have made us their place of worship on repeat visits to our area.

GFC are delighted that they now have a fully functional disabled toilet, payment of which was fully met through the fundraising work of Golspie Craft Group.

This was a substantial amount of funds to raise and GFC are very grateful to those who have given of their time and energy, to achieve this. (the Craft Group are already back to work, now raising funds for a kitchen renovation).

Golspie Primary School.

It was great to have the Golspie Primary School visiting us once again, for their Easter Service.

Answered Prayer

One of the most encouraging features over the past 3 months has been the number of new faces who have visited the church from the locality. We have also welcomed holidaymakers, from both home and abroad, visitors to the area and those visiting family and friends.

We believe that this trend, first and foremost, is an answer to our earnest prayers for the Lord’s continual blessing on our congregation.